
Thursday, April 2, 2020

dog castle

today i designed a dog house but i prefer calling it dog castle so first i planed on what kind i was going to make and first thing to my mind was a dog castle. i thought that nit would look so cute and a dog would love it to.  i had to ides so i figured i could do both, so i did and this is how it trued out.


  1. Hi Akeilah, Your dog would be very lucky to live in a dog castle! I really like the decorations on the outside with the bone. Perhaps next time, you could label the different parts so that your viewers know what everything is.
    Miss McLeod

  2. Kia ora Akeilah, what a great job you have done designing two dog houses. I wonder if the Queen's corgis have their own dog castle? I wonder if you could draw your design from different perspectives so viewers can see it from more than one angle. For example you could do a bird's eye view floor plan. Thanks so much for sharing your work!
    Miss Williamson


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