
Saturday, April 11, 2020

making lolly cake

Today me, Kyra and mum made lolly cake first we got all the ingredients after we got all of the ingredients I got the chopping board out and me and Kyra tipped out the bag of lollies  on to the chopping board and started to cut them in half. A few minutes later,  me and Kyra  finally finished and mum started to crush the biscuits  up while mum was crushing the biscuit I started to cut he butter after i finished cutting the butter  kyra slide the butter into a white bowl and put it in the microwave so it melts. Then i started to crush the biscuits it was hard. after we had finished every thing we tipped it all in the same bowl and mixed it all up and the mum grabbed some from in the bowl with a spoon a poured it in to the container  and Kyra flatted it  mum keeped doing it until it was about half way the we started doing  into the other container  and thought we should make it into  little balls  so we started it was very stick. Kyra covered it in glad rap  a let it set in the fridge and we waited until the morning and tride it after breakfast it was delicious. here are some pictures.


  1. Yum Akeilah, your lolly cake sounds delicious! You put lots of hard work into it -cutting and melting butter, crushing the biscuits and rolling the final (sticky!) mixture into balls. What a great team effort from you, your Mum and Kyra, wish I could try some!!

  2. Kia Ora Akeilah,
    It is fantastic to see that you are doing some fun activities during this time. I love that you added pictures as this will help me when I try your recipe. Last week I made orange chocolate chip muffins. They were a huge hit. What do you think you will make next?
    Miss Butler

  3. hi akeliah how are you that looks so good hope you had a go qowinten from zara


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