
Friday, May 1, 2020

Pixton 1 Truth and 1 Lie

Today for writing we have been working on comics we started a theme about like a news program but its a program about 1 truth and 1 lie that is what the title is we each had to use at lest 2 characters. For my character i used one of my best friends her name is Kaisa she was the leader of this program so she tells you the instructions of how to play and when to start.  I had to use comers, speech marks and punctuation. Miss McLeod said that we had to use about 8 panels so we don´t have to much. you have to try to guess the the lie and the truth good luck.
here is what you go to if you want to  make a comic go to this link.


  1. Hi Akeilah, great job on getting your comic completed and onto your blog. You've done really well explaining the details of the task in your blurb, remember though to always still use full stops and capital letters. I think that your truth is that you love fitness! Am I correct?
    Miss McLeod

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes it is good job Miss Mcleod


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