
Monday, April 27, 2020

telling the time

Hi everyone i am going to show you my google slide about telling the time in lock down. We are telling the time for Miss Jones is math group. First we made a copy of it and then we had to put it in our math folder I scrolled down to see what we hade to do. I hade to click on a link and it would take me to the clock it said the time next to it I hade to move the clock handes to that time when i finished it i had  to screen shot it and put it in my google slide. Here is my google slide.


  1. Hi Akeilah, Thank you for explaining what you had to do. You have done a great job. Can I suggest you revisit slide 5, Where should the big hand be for half past?
    Mrs Hansen

  2. Hi Akeilah. Well done with your slide. I like how you explained what you had to do.
    Mrs Fanning


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