
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Teddy bear hunt.

Today me, Jaykoia and mum went for a walk around the block, looking for teddy bears. Jaykoia went in her little red bike i went on my scooter and mum walked and pushed Jaykoia. I was surprised to see so much teddy bears. We found over 10 teddy bears they were all different colours but  there were mostly brown bears. It was a bit awkward taking pictures at peoples teddy bears at their windows.
here are some pictures of the teddy bear hunt.

it was really fun getting out of the house a doing a teddy bear hunt.


  1. Wow Akeilah looks like you spotted lots of really cute teddy bears, what a lovely, fun thing to do with your Mum and Jaykoia! I like the white teddy the best :-) I wonder if there will be any more on your next walk?

  2. Hi Akeilah. It was a lovely day to get outside on Tuesday. I bet your little sister enjoyed searching for teddy bears in people's windows as well. If you check Bailee D's blog, she went out looking for teddy bears as well and they found 93!! Amazing, right?! I like the way that you have carefully cropped out the houses of your photos so you can only see the teddy bears and we can't tell whose house it is. Good idea.
    Mrs Jones

  3. Hi Akeilah, wow you found heaps of teddy bears! It's good to get out and do some exercise. I went for a walk yesterday and also saw heaps of teddy bears in windows. I wonder if you went a different direction next time if you would see more!
    Miss McLeod


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