
Thursday, April 30, 2020

5 minutes intervals

Today i made a google slide show for telling the time we had to make a copy and put it into our math folder. for our google slide show there were 5 clocks on 3 pages of the slide show and there was a text box, we had to write the time into the  box. for the 3 slides we had to write the times in words it was a bit hard.
here is my work that i had to do during lock down. tell me if i got any wrong.


  1. Kia ora Akeilah, it really looks like you're getting the hang of telling the time! Well done. It can be a bit tricky, the only one that you could correct would the first clock on slide 4, in this situation it would make more sense to say 20 to 4 instead of 40 past 3. Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing what you do next!
    Miss Williamson

  2. Well done Akeilah, you nailed it! It can take a while to get the hang of reading an analogue clock but it looks like you're there - awesome! The more the do it the better you get, keep up the great work!

  3. Kia ora Akeilah
    You have not only shown that you can read the time on an analogue clock, which many learners find tricky but you also explained the task clearly in your accompanying blurb. Keep up the great work of home learning.


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