
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

my dream bedroom

On Monday i designed my dream bedroom,  first i made a list of the things i wanted in my dream bedroom these are the things i wrote down

ball pit
bunk bed with a slid
a locked mirror
black draws
hidden passage
dream catcher
gumball machine
claw machine
wide space
a cafe/store

after i mad the list drew it out on a A4 paper when i finished drawing it i labeled it for example i drawed my bunk bed with a slide first and writ next to it bunk bed i did it to all of the things that i drew.

my plan


  1. Hi Akeilah, I love your bedroom design. In particular I like your slide from your top bunk. That would be a great way to get down from your bunk. Where would your secret passage take you to? It was a great idea for you to make a list of all the things you wanted in your dream bedroom before you drew a picture of it.
    Mrs Jones

    1. my secret passage would teleport me where ever i want to go i could teleport me to the movies and heaps of other cool places

    2. has miss McLeod seen it because i want her to see it to and today me and my family are going yo make a obstacle coarse and see who has the fastest time

  2. Hi Akeilah! I've now seen your dream bedroom and I really like it! Your plan is well thought out. I especially like the claw machine. What would be in your claw machine? Do you need to pay to use it? Is your secret passage so secret that you can't see it on your drawing? What is in your locked mirror? I'm very interested!
    Miss McLeod

  3. i would have jewellery also candy and money.

    you would need to pay 2 dollars but i dont because its mine and i have a secret thing to not pay.

  4. Hi Akeilah, your dream bedroom looks really cool and amazing. And I like how you planed it out so you would remember what you wanted and who would you sharer it with all your siblings if you did that would be really cool and how are your siblings now are they hanging on and are you having fun at home I hope your having fun. That is a great idea to make lolly cake but anyway I love the idea to make your dream bedroom.
    your friend kaisa.


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