
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter egg hunt

Today for Easter we had an Easter egg hunt So on Saturday Kyra and Larrissa where busy making cardboard eggs  for Easter they painted 10  for each of as and Jaykoia had 3 my color was red, Quaidens was green,  Kyra color was  blue and Jaykoias color was purple .The rules were you had to find your color egg and if you found a egg that wasn't your color yo had to not tell the person. The next day was Easter so we got up had breakfast and the cleaned up when we all finished doing our jobs all of  us kids went to my bedroom so the parents could hide the eggs in the backyard  while me and the others where waiting we played with my handball we sat there for about 5 minutes. Then dad waked in and said¨ be quite and there all in the backyard"then we zoomed of trying to find the eggs Quaiden found the first egg of his we keeped looking and looking until we found our eggs we looked under things over things and we couldn't find any more we were all tuck on to more to find. Finally i finished and mum toke me to get a chocolate egg(we didn't know) while kyra and Quaiden keeped looking dad had to keep hiding Jaykoia. Quaiden and kyra would of had the hardest to find mine was a bit hard but not to hard and Jaykoia was simple.


  1. Hi Akeilah It sounds like you had a fun easter! It is a great idea to use the cardboard eggs for the hunt. Once I found an egg that had been outside all year because we missed it. Were the eggs hidden in tricky places? What was the most interesting hiding place?
    Keep the fantastic blog posts coming.
    Miss McClelland

  2. Hi Akeilah, wow an Easter egg hunt sounds like heaps of fun! What a great activity that was organised for you and your siblings. I really like that you all had different coloured cardboard eggs to find- because then everyone gets a chance! What was your favourite part about the activity?
    Miss McLeod

  3. Hi Akeilah, that Easter egg hunt sounds like you enjoyed it with your siblings. And that was a great Idea to color the cardboard eggs and bows your favorite color I know what is your favorite color is its red and I wish you have fun with your siblings and enjoy yourself. What is your favorite chocolate?

  4. Hi Akeilah, what a great story. The easter egg hunt sounds like a lot of fun. Mrs Fanning


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