
Friday, May 1, 2020

work at home.

Today i did some math at home for the first activity i had to pair up number to make 100 I had to make 10 pairs that was call Crazy compatibles  as soon as i finished that activity i had to do one called How big is it there was a killer whale a blue whale and a dolphins I had to add up the killer whale and the dolphins weight together that added up to 150 because the dolphins was about 15kg and the killer whale was  about 150 that = 165. Then I had to  figure out the birth weight on the blue whale that weighed about 2500kg i write down 165 times what equals 2500 or 2500 divided by 165=15 . After i finished that part i had to measure the blue whale times (killer whale +dolphins length i worked it out by going like this 1.2+2.6=3.8. I finally finished that activity then my aunt drawed some clocks down a pointed the arrows at a number i had to write it down until finished i had to figure out 6 clocks. here is what i had to do.

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