
Friday, May 8, 2020

AW Time in 5 Minute Intervals

Today for maths we started with a game called bingo, bingo is a game when you have a board with 9 numbers on it but instead of numbers we used clocks because we are learning to tell the time on clocks when we finished that game the teacher showed as where to find the link for are google slides we had to click on it and it would take us to the slides in the slides there were examples of clock we had to go on the teaching clock so we could do the same time but not the same time the teacher did we had to move the hand on the clock to  match the time  but in a different time so for example the teacher would screenshot 2 o clock so we had to do a different o'clock and we couldn't do the same as the teacher here are the slides comment if i got any wrong and tell me which one.

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