
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Ban Plastic straws writing.

 Hi readers

For the past week we have been doing persuasive writing the first wring we had to do was convincing to wear mufti instead of school uniform mostly everybody chose to wear mufti i chose to keep wearing school uniforms. this week we had to put reading and writing together so my group is convincing people to ban plastic straws here is my writing to convince people to ban plastic straws.

Ban plastic straws

In my opinion I think plastic straws should be banned because they harm animals' lives. Sea animals aren’t living as long as other animals. It will also pollute the ocean and kill the animals. The plastic is taking over the ocean and soon there will be more plastic than fish.

By the way don’t throw rubbish away or in the sea  because it can get stuck up animal noses like turtle noses and it hurts. It also harms the earth and remember that we only have one earth so make sure we take care of it. It can also get caught around the animal's neck. They will think it's jellyfish and try to eat it.

Did you know people can die from burning fossil fuels? It will be worse if people have hay fever because it will be hard for them to breathe and they might choke. It can even hurt people without hay fever because it goes into your mouth and it's really hard to breathe.

Lets BAN plastic straws now, let's also help the sea animals. Don’t forget the EARTH! If we don’t act quick it will take over the whole entire earth. It also harms the world like corona is harming the earth. Let's start picking up rubbish instead of chucking it away.

Do you like it.


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