
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Cats should be allowed outside.

In the past two days we were writing about persuasive writing persuasive writing is a conving writing its when you try to convince someone to do that or this. we were writing about cats should either stay inside or say that they are allowed outside here is my writing.

I strongly think that  cats should not be kept inside  because of many reasons.

Firstly, they won’t break anything because outside is a clear open space. Also they will like to have a big space to run around outside. They would like to meet other cats in the neighborhood. Cats would also like to have a big run around and if they're inside then they will break things. Cats run many kilometres everyday. They like to play and be free with a big space to run around. They will have more room than inside the house. If they are inside they will break things, But if they are outside they will not break anything. 

Also if they are outside then they will like to put their paws in the wet grass and they will find it relaxing.Also they like to play with other cats because if they don’t play with other cats they won’t   get used to it, It will make them timid and shy, If they see another cat  they will try and fight them. That's why they need cats to meet other cats so they're not so shy when they see each other.

Also it will be more tidy outside because if they are inside they will break everything like carpet, curtain and furniture with their claws and teeth. If you have long curtains they cats would love hanging from them. You will keep having to waste your money on new furniture. The cats won't stop reeking furniture.

That's why we should keep cats outside. Let's change the cat's life and let them be in their own habitat. There might be dead birds but that's what cats do and we can’t do anything to change their lives like we can’t do anything to change our lives.

That is my writing hope you liked it!

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