
Friday, September 27, 2019

Our trip to the Marae

Today in the morning we went on a trip to a Marae. We had to ride on a bus, the seats on the bus where comfortable and cozy I nearly fell a sleep because it is a long way to get there. Then we arrived at the marae the person who worked there introduce her self and taught some of us Maori words but I already new them. She asked for a male volunteer to be are chief.  Then they slowly walked us in. two men where standing up across the fence looking spooky. They oped the gate and the they did a haka  and one of the leaders for the haka gave the chief a leaf and did a funny dance back or it was apart of the haka. It was fun going to the marae because The ladies taught us to do poi. Which was fun. They also told us a story of how Maori found his mum and dad. it was funny because Maori was chasing his mum around and hid he clothes.

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